Saturday, December 12, 2009

It's a Wonderful Lifetime . . .

Saturday. Sofa. Coffee.

We have had several cool, wet days lately and I have been holding off a head cold. I'll use that as an excuse for having watched more made for television Christmas movies this year than all previous years combined. I have ordered the Fa la la la Lifetime Alert pendant necklace which automatically changes channels when my seratonin levels dip after an all night Lifetime session, and the Hallmark value pack of kleenex and Welbutrin should arrive anyday now.

It is interesting the picture of Christmas that these movies create. I cannot justify any condemnation at this point because I confess that I enjoy a good, or even a really bad, Christmas movie or two.

But according to the cinematic gospel Christmas can be reduced to three basic plot lines.

First, a romantic relationship that is ordained to be is facing some worldly obstacle and the magic of Christmas is required to make it work out right.

Second, weary travellers go through trials, adventures and often comedic mishaps to arrive at the place they are supposed to be for Christmas.

And third, a question of belief.

Hmmmm. This post isn't turning out like I thought it would.

Unlike most of the movies.


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