Thursday, September 1, 2011

Thurvey 9/1/2011

Since I am having difficulty finishing a post this week, I am bringing back the Thurvey after a month hiatus.  For those of you not familiar with the Thurvey, it is a Thursday survey.  The Thurvey provides you, the reader the opportunity to respond to a variety of questions, or in the last question option, to raise one of your own.  To answer a question merely type your comment in the box below, let us know your name after the comment if you wish, click anonymous, and follow the instructions.  If there is no comment box below, click on "comments" and it should appear.  If it is not working for you, comment on my facebook post or just give up.

#1   Scientists regularly report that a particular food, formerly thought of as bad, turns out to have health benefits.  What food do you wish to be declared a health super-food, and what benefits would you like for it to confer?

#2    If you could have only five songs on your ipod or like device, what would they be?  Why?  If there were one song that you could erase from the library of songs of the world, what would it be?  Why?

#3   What is your idea of the perfect Autumn Saturday?

#4   Do you believe science?  (you know, evolution, climate change, gravity, etc.)  Explain.  Be careful if you have political ambition.

#5   Which Republican would you choose to be President?  Why?

#5  What question of your own would you like to be answered this week?


  1. Potato chips. Obviously.

  2. John "The Jack Mormon" Huntsman as a republican, not a snack food, although given some of the other alternatives, he would definitely help my blood pressure.

  3. I would also go with Huntsman, but since he answered question #4 in the affirmative, he may not have a chance.

  4. It would be great if it turned out that the combination of beer and Mexican food released a chemical that reversed aging.


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