Thursday, August 23, 2012

Thurvey 8/23/2012. Right before the fall . . .

Thurvey time again.  Once again we will do this differently.  The multiple choice survey appears on the right. If you do not wish to elaborate, simply make your choices by clicking on the answer. If you want to elaborate, enter your elaboration  by commenting. For you on mobile devices, it may be necessary to change to "web view" to take the multiple choice poll, or just wait until you can come back to this site on your computer.  Other wise, the questions are as follows:

#1  What should be done about Medicare?
#2  What should be done about global climate change?
#3  Do you favor the amendment to be up for vote in Alabama to allow about 400 million dollars to be transferred from the Trust Fund to the general fund?
#4  Labor Day means the end of summer, but the beginning of several things.  What is your favorite thing that begins after Labor Day?

If you need starter ideas for your essay answers, look at the multiple choice options.  The multiple choice poll will stay up all week, so feel free to answer at any time.

Last week almost everyone liked the cooler weather of Autumn. Bad diet, followed by laziness was the cause of obesity. Alabama's biggest problems are poverty and education.

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