Saturday, July 26, 2008

He thinks he's all that and a bag of chips . . .

Once again Obama has proven that he is elitist. He went to Iraq and had an intelligent conversation with Prime Minister al-Maliki. He visited the green zone, without the press's knowledge. He talked with military leaders. He visited Israel and met with the Olmer and others, skillfully reassuring Israel without diminishing the Palestinian's complaints. He made friends with Chancellor Merkel (she seemed open to a back rub from Obama, proving that W's dissatisfaction rating is not limited to presidential performance), then two hundred thousand Germans, waving miniature American flags, came to see and hear him. French President Sarkozy welcomed him and joined him at the podium for a joint press conference. He never mispoke, never stumbled. Had there been a gaffe, it would have already been run and re-run on the news outlets. He looked stately, confident, and comfortable.

How dare he.

Schizophrenia is epidemic among the talking heads. While acknowledging the perfection of the trip, and especially Obama's performance, they struggle to present the negative, lest they be accused of being unfair.

So, the only criticism was that Obama was too good. Perhaps he could have taken a little off the speech in Germany. Perhaps he could have made a misstatement that offended the French. At least he could have bungled a couple of names or facts in the middle eastern leg of the trip, I mean, anyone could make that mistake.

We Americans don't really want the best leader. We don't want someone that might be better than us. We don't want no pointy headed intellectuals telling us what to do. Bunch of elitists.

I wonder why?

Possibly we are comfortable. Although we are faced with challenges and choices that may set the course of civilization, we are afraid of change. Gassing up the car is just so easy, so let's open up more oil fields. Military supremacy is such a beautifully simple solution to so many problems, so let's forget about working with the international community and diplomacy. The poor will always be with us so let's not question the causes of poverty. Health care is not a right, except for those who can afford it.

Or maybe we are afraid to once again hope for something better. It has been forty years or so since we looked to national leaders for hope of change. And that hope was cruelly and violently put down along with the leaders that had raised them. So maybe we don't want to be so disappointed and hurt again.

But we must take the chance. Dare to hope, again.


  1. i like chips, but i do not like all this talk of afghanistan. i still have hope that we will have a president whose first response to conflict is NOT war, but i have been kicked in the proverbial stomach before.

  2. Sen. Obama did look very presidential on his trip abroad. And not only that, increased his lead in the polls to its widest margin to date, nine lovely points.

    If he's not looking bad in any of his campaign stops, there's always that tired old trick of "accidentally" mispronouncing his name. Osama? Obama? Well, one of them did something or other... tune in at 11.

  3. Not only is Obama good, but he is also lucky. Obama returned to the states just in time to feel presidential contender John McCain turning up the heat as well as the negativity. While Obama left town, the Passive Aggressive McCain made numerous insinuations about Obama's opposition to the surge. (He made the wrong decision, it was politically motivated, he did it to win an election, yada yada yada). What could Obama possibly do to answer these allegations?

    Explosion! Two of the largest bombings of the year shook Baghdad and Kirkuk this morning. Were these bombings another political maneuver by Obama? He is a Muslim after all. If we are to believe as Mr. McCain points out that Barack Obama made a decision to oppose the surge because he would "rather lose a war in order to win a political campaign" (John McCain), then we should also believe that Obama is capable of all kinds of other atrocities. Perhaps on the visit to Iraq, Obama convinced these terrorists to commit heinous attacks on their own people for his own political gains. Even if Obama was not behind the attacks it is very clear that the terrorists want Obama to become President and we all know that if the terrorists are for Obama then we must be against him.

    Seriously though, it seems that we have a choice to make of who and what to believe. Either Obama made a politically motivated decision to vote against the surge, and then once it began to succeed made another politically motivated choice to unleash terrorists to bomb Iraq (we already had that under control), or maybe he was right about the surge all along. Both explanations seem very plausible. Just think about which one makes more since to you.

  4. i know just enough about the ecomony, war, election, other issues to make me afraid. i have too many questions and it all overwhelms me. but my gut really wants me to believe in obama; the prayer in your other post is simply beautiful.


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