Tuesday, February 9, 2010

We Shelby free . . .

In reference to the last post, Senator Shelby has released most of his holds on appointment nominees.

In a statement issued this morning the Senator's office said that the holds were issued in an attempt to draw President Obama's attention to important security issues. Those issues were the building of tanker refuelers in Alabama and an FBI forensic lab in Alabama.

Had nothing to do with bringing home the bacon. Shelby just wanted to keep the country safe.

But I still think if we in Alabama are the honest, God-fearing, fiscally responsible, real-Americans that we claim to be, we should do our part to balance the federal budget.

Like it or not, Alabama is a welfare state. All of us. We receive far more dollars from the federal government than we pay in taxes. States like Texas and Massachusetts are paying our way. Hope they don't expect anything more than good company in return, although that might explain why other states are being allowed to dump toxic waste on us.

So, if we are going to complain about the federal deficit, let's do our part. Refuse the federal dollars. The education money. The highway money. The health care subsidies. The federal grants for public projects. The federally funded jobs, be they public or private, as in defense contracts. Let's balance our books with the federal government.

Or if we're not willing to do that, then let's just shut up about big government, about big spending, about high taxes, about deficits.

Don't worry about trying to find the answers.

Maybe we should work on not being the problem.


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