Thursday, May 19, 2011

Thurvey, 5/19/2011

Welcome once again to the Thursday survey, Thurvey for short. A couple of questions available to you this week related to the preceding post about Camping's prediction of the rapture coming Saturday.

Question No. 1: Some of us are not Christian, some have no religion at all, so let's just say a giant asteroid was definitely going to slam into the earth in a couple of days. How would your list of things to do change? What would you add, what would you mark off? Why?

Question No. 2: What person or event has the media wasted too much time on? Why was it a waste of time?

To comment on either question you can send in a postcard, but it would probably be easier to click on comment below and follow the instructions. But hurry. Time is running out.


  1. Re Q1: I’d gather my family--every last member--in my home, and I’d stop skim coating the bathroom walls. As each of us has come to realize over the last couple of weeks, sometimes nothing but family matters until your own family is safe and together. I’ve been fixing the bathroom so my folks can use it safely after they move here, which, in this scenario, would not happen.

    What would you do?

  2. What would I do? Hmmm . . .
    I would look for a huge tube of Preparation A.

    Pretty much the same as you, except it would be my family and friends, although I like yours too.

  3. Media has wasted way too much time on Charlie Sheen. Hope he can get his act together but it would be easier for him to be out of the limelight to work on his problems.

  4. Q2: The "deficit". Numbers such as these are strictly in the realm of science fiction and the notion that cutting the deficit can be undertaken without increasing revenue---say, restoring the higher tax rates of the Clinton administration---is folderol of the highest order...

  5. If you wish to remain anonymous, you must stop using words like folderol . . .


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