Thursday, October 27, 2011

Debates are empty . . .

It's what makes America great.

America watches as they take their positions on the center stage, in the bright lights, scrutinized by cameras from every angle, putting all that they are on the line, ready to answer the questions that remain. Well prepared. They know their stuff. They've been getting ready for months as other competitors have fallen by the wayside, to join and watch with the crowd, destined to wait and hope for another chance in another year.

The looks on their faces are serious as the gravity of the moment rides weightily upon their shoulders. Under sometimes furrowed brows their eyes are steely when taking stock of their adversaries, searching for weakness, constantly sizing them up, challenging their every move. Their faces glisten slightly from perspiration. This is a chance to win it all.

The audience is almost as impressive. They know their stuff. They wince at the mistakes. They hope, pray, applaud and cheer for their favorite. They are not as kind to those they oppose. They know their stuff and they let their opinions be heard.

The Republican Presidential Candidate Debates?

Are you kidding?

I was talking about the World Series. The Cardinals and the Rangers. They take this stuff seriously.

It is time for the Republicans to get a clue.

And take the world serious.

It's no game.



  1. And yet, "without a clue," as you say, any one of them - even Paul - would be infinitely better than the current resident of the White House.

  2. You say "without a clue," Pat Robertson says "without a clue," but in slightly more words...

    "Those people in the Republican primary have got to lay off this stuff. They're forcing their leaders, the front-runners, into positions that will mean they lose the general election...You appeal to the narrow base. And they'll applaud the daylights out of what you're saying, and then you hit the general election and they say 'no way.' And then the Democrat, whoever it is, is going to just play these statements to the hilt. They've got to stop this. It's just so counterproductive. Well, if they want to lose, this is the game for losers."

    Even an old senile crazy man can see that these Republican candidates are too crazy to get elected.


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