Thursday, May 21, 2009

Respond, if you please . . .

Civilization will not advance by reacting the same way to ancient problems that recur in every generation.

In the animal world the strongest animal, the one that can physically control the others, sets the rules. It has been that way forever. And in the animal world it will apparently be that way until the end of the earth.

But humans are different from the rest of the animals. We can choose other rules. The question is whether we ever will. So far the main difference between humans and the rest of the animal world is that we have used our highly sophisticated higher developed brains to create and invent highly sophisticated methods of intimidation and destruction to maintain our might. We have become incredibly efficient at heaping destruction and terror not only upon our own kind, but on the rest of creation as well, usually under the guise of security, but just as often in the name of greed.

Fear is a formidable motivator. When we feel threatened, our oldest instincts rear their ugly heads. Might makes right. I am going to take both your eyes and render you toothless before you have a chance to take mine.

Killing and oppressing those who disagree with you never works. One side may have the might on their side right now, but the pendulum always swings. Always. Then the other side of things gets to do the killing and oppressing for awhile. Who is going to take the leap for humanity? To take us to a higher level. I wish it were my side. It's going to be shameful if it is another.

Especially for all who want the United States to be a Christian nation. I assume that means that we, as a country, would follow the tenets of Christ. That would be turn the other cheek, love your enemy as well as your neighbor, be a servant. That's what Jesus said. He could have changed everything, squashed all those who opposed him in the twinkling of an eye, but he didn't. And a short time later he told Peter, "put away your sword."

So what if it's the Muslims that choose peace? What if it is a secular society? What if the invitation has already been sent out and we American Christians were too busy with our own lives to come to the real party? Who will be invited in our place to be the messengers?

It could happen. God will always love his children. He knows we are not perfect. But He won't wait on us forever to answer His call. Not the selfish answer that is required to save your soul. The call to be the Body of Christ to the world, to reveal the Kingdom as He described.

What an honor to hold the invitation to that party. What an honor to be asked to deliver it to the world. What a tragedy if we leave the invitation on the counter so long that someone else gets to fulfill this incredible role.

The invitations cannot be delivered by torturers, or oppressors, or the greedy. They will not be accepted, just tossed aside like so much junk mail.

Torture is wrong. Hate is wrong. Bigotry is wrong. Ignoring the pain of others is wrong. Oppression is wrong. Greed is wrong. Arrogance is wrong. War is wrong.

The only way it will change is if we decide to be different. Even if it hurts for awhile.

Can't we be the ones? The ones that stand up to our fears? The ones that surprise God and the world by choosing a different way?


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