Friday, June 19, 2009

This is how they will know you . . .

I've received several requests lately to join a group whose purpose is to remind President Obama that the United States is a Christian nation. It appears that thousands have joined.

I am for it.

Let's remind him by acting like Christ.

Pray in the closet, not on the street corner.

Feed the hungry. Heal the sick. Clothe the naked. Give shelter to strangers.

Visit the imprisoned. Free the oppressed. Love enemies. Lend without expectation of return.

Sell everything and give to the poor. Do not store up stuff that will mold, rust and rot.

If someone wants your coat, give him a whole outfit. If someone needs a ride, go out of your way to take her where she needs to go.

Turn the other cheek. Put away the sword.

Don't judge. Unless you are perfect.




Take some time, amid all that goes with saving the world, to sit with friends and drink some wine.



  1. C'mon Bob, everyone knows the true mark of a Christian isn't the love, action, or general running around like you are on fire (for Jesus) but instead your stance on abortion, homosexuality, and whether you agree with Obama's policies.

    Yeah, I hope in reminding him its a Christian nation we remind ourselves of the same fact. Thanks for the encouragement!

  2. I love this post. It's very correct, and I hope folks listen.

    I thought that you might be interested to know that Iranian dissidents have adopted a new greeting/sign to show their support for the "revolution"--Allahu Akbar (God is greatest).

    Check this:
    "The fact that 'Allahu Akbar' is echoing through the Iranian night is not only an indication of the longing of people there to find a peaceful and just solution to this crisis. It also points to how deep the erosion of legitimacy is in whosoever acts against the will of the people, in whosoever claims to act on God's behalf to oppress his fellow human, including in this case some of the 'supreme' Islamic jurists themselves. This all goes to show that Islam, far from being merely an abode of repression and retrogression, has the capacity of being a fundamentally restorative and democratic force in human affairs. In the end, so it seems, at least in the Iranian context, 'Allahu Akbar', God is greatest, is a most profoundly democratic of political slogans. So deep is this call, that what is determined out of this liminal moment may very well set the terms for (or against) a lived, democratic Islamic reality for decades to come."

    That's from here:

    I figured that's right up your alley, and might be something you would like to comment on.

  3. We are one in the Spirit, we are one in the Lord
    We are one in the Spirit, we are one in the Lord
    And we pray that all unity may one day be restored
    And they'll know we are Christians by our love, by our love
    They will know we are Christians by our love

  4. "Love your enemies; pray for those who persecute you."

    I'd bet that most people that clamor for the "Christian Nation" slogan to be paraded about would hesitate, to put it mildly, if this was our new foreign policy.

  5. I love you, man.

  6. Great post. Be cautious not to be guilty of the same behavior as those you criticize, however; some of the comments border on such. What about sincere unconditional love for those whose opinion/stance/methods you disagree with?


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