Thursday, July 30, 2009


The Thurvey is back after a short summer hiatus. For the uninitiated the Thurvey is a survey taken on Thursdays. It is not intended to be a yes or no, true or false, or multiple choice survey. We are interested in your full opinion. If you wish to comment, click on "comment" below, type your answer in the comment window, click anonymous then click publish. If you wish to be know, put your name at the end of your comment.

If you had a chance to share a beverage with President Obama around a picnic table on the White House lawn, what topic would you discuss? What would be your opinion? What do you think his opinion would be?


  1. The topic would be leverage, and how he might use the considerable torque he wields---recent polls notwithstanding---to direct the narrative on health care reform, say, into a path more congruent with his campaign rhetoric. His response would be inaudible, since we'd be sitting at the table on the White House lawn apparently just out of range of parabolic microphones...

  2. Can I get a job? I would try to express my passionate belief in myself and my abilities showing him an ever strengthening conviction for employment within his White House. If the sob stories (If Necessary) of my childhood growing up on the mean streets of Oneonta, Alabama are not enough then I would tell him about me being one of the one in ten white males from Alabama that voted for him. If that does not seal the deal then I don't know what would. Also, why Bud Light? Then I would ask him why he is wasting his time meeting with me rather than fixing the economy.


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