Thursday, June 14, 2012

Thurvey 6/14/2012

The Thurvey that has received more hits than any other in history was published a few months ago as "a leaner, cleaner Thurvey."  But, as is the unfortunate plight of most institutions, the resulting success generated indulgence and bloating.  So, in a spirit of austerity, we have made cut-backs on word count once again.  You, on the other hand, will not be asked to sacrifice.  You are encouraged to be verbose if you wish. . . the comment box will expand.

#1 On the subject of indulgence and bloating, how are you attacking the extra pounds now that bathing suit season is upon us?

#2  We are still several months away from the Presidential elections, but, if you voted today, what are the four most important things to you in your decision? Prioritize.

#3  The Birmingham News, Huntsville Times, and Mobile Press Register announced they will no longer be daily newspapers as of October, supposedly increasing their attention to their website. Will this affect you?  What news source do you depend on for facts?

#4  The U. S. is using drones (unmanned planes) to spy and kill in other countries.  They are stationed all over our country (some very close by).  How do you feel about the increased use of drones?  If you had your own drone, how would you use it?

#5  What question do you want answered this week?



  1. I would vote for Romney. I am concerned about big government, weak military, economy, and attacks on religion.

    I get my news facts from tv (fox) and internet.

    There is something creepy about drones, but maybe their better than huge bombs. I could use a drone to deliver stuff to friends and family.

    I'm okay with how I look in a bathing suit.

  2. Shop for bigger swimsuit.
    Romney. Economy.Economy.Economy.Economy.
    Drones better than troops, but I worry about the secrecy. I heard about drones possibly delivering pizza. That would be nice.


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