Thursday, August 28, 2008

Democratic unconventional . . .

I am in Denver, trying to ferret out the truth for you faithful readers. Somebody's gotta do it.

I knew it was going to be a successful venture during the flight from Nashville. Direct TV was available so I could watch the Democratic convention activities early Wednesday evening during the flight. When it got a little slow early on I scanned the other channels. ESPNU was re-running the Alabama-Arkansas game from 2007. It was a win. Still. A great omen. And then there was Billy C. One of the most effective speeches he has ever given.

When Barack personally emailed me several weeks ago and said I could request credentials for his acceptance speech to be held at Invesco Mile High Stadium, I immediately called in my information. I have been in constant communication with the O-man, Michelle, Joe, David, and others by email since that day. "Bob", they call me. We are all on a first name basis. Funny thing, I never got my credentials. Just several messages telling me how people just like me had received backstage passes and front row seats and that I was one of the millions of people they represent. And then I was encouraged to send another $25.oo. I probably will. Cause those people are stuck in that boring stadium and convention hall while I, along with the help of my son and host Benjamin, are meeting with the "real" Democrats, out on the streets of Denver.

So for you, my readers, I hit the pavement, attempting to put my finger on the pulse of the Democratic Party, deprived of twenty percent of the oxygen that most of us are accustomed to.

I am pretty sure the people I hob-nobbed with on the streets of Denver may not have passed the security test for credentials. It was colorful all day long in this extremely cool city. Not cool, like temperature, but cool as in beans.

The festive atmosphere welcoming conventioners could not be missed. It was intoxicating.

The hawkish wing of the party seems to have been denied credentials as well.

We thought we were just going to the other end of 16th Street. Thank goodness we were warned.

You never hear of the platforms that come in second . . .

The streets were full of celebrities. We heard that somebody was over by that door. I'm pretty sure it was Obama, Bruce Springsteen, or Jennifer Lopez. If you hold the picture up to your nose, and slowly move it away while focusing out ahead of you, you'll see a surprise.

Even though we were on serious business, we just had to make time to get Benjamin's photo with these adorable party mascots.

More later . . . maybe.


  1. Thanks for giving us the view from the street. MSNBC isn't really getting that for us. I did wonder, however, if you & your hosts made it in the panoramic shot that showed up on the NYT site.

    It was an amazing moment in time, & Obama delivered a terrific speech.

  2. are you on a rocky mountain high?

  3. I would write under my username, but I can't seem to remember it...again. I like those sites that send the correct username and password to my email address after three or four attempts with every name I can think of. But, to the point.

    This DNC provided the political follower with the best losers speech of a close presidential hopeful I have ever heard. Kudos Hillary! Then B.O. delivered the best acceptance speech of my life, which I'm sure that was what he said as he gave the fist pump back stage. The entire DNC was professionally promoted and organized, it demanded my full attention and took the place of those late night hours of the Olympics-just when I thought I would get some sleep.

    I didn't realize how well it was organized until I watched Mac announce his VP today...a sad comparison.

    I pray B.O. delivers on everything he said he would do when he becomes president. He clearly articulated the distinction between himself and Mac. The Dems, will soon be in control of the White House and Congress, let's take politics out of it and do what is right for the first time in a very, very long time. Can't we all just get alone?

    -T. Jones


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