Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Totally unfayzed . . .

Did you see the video on all the news outlets this morning which showed a man on the beach in Florida, close to Miami, as Hurricane Fay was making landfall? The wind was coming in from the gulf onto the land at about 65 mph. So, this man decided it was the perfect chance to para-sail. As the video begins he is standing on the beach. You seem him violently jerked up into the air about 20 or 30 feet, then slammed into the beach and dragged about 20 or 30 feet, then picked back up about 15 feet and hurled at what looks to be about 40 mph straight inland. The problem is that someone built a condominium right there along the beach. He slammed into the condo wall and crumpled to the ground. I think he was hurt pretty bad. You can see it at http://www.cnn.com/video/#/video/weather/2008/08/19/florida.kite.boarder.wfor

I know it is wrong to want to watch it again, but come on, you want to, don't you?

I suppose this kite man thought it was a good idea at the time. His biggest problem was he didn't have a clue which way the wind was blowing.

A good life lesson in there somewhere . . . I mean other than don't para-sail in a hurricane.

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