Thursday, December 18, 2008

The Coolest Gift Ever

A shiny blue pedal propelled jeep with a navy insignia on the sides. Probably my most favorite Santa Claus gift of all time. I loved that thing. I think I was about four years old. The deep blue paint reflected the bubble lights of the cedar Christmas tree as I entered the furniture-less living room (truly a great room before they moved furniture in there) around 4:00 a.m., which was about as long as my brother and sisters and I could wait to check things out on Christmas morning. No Cadillac or Lexus advertisement could compare with the look of that jeep on the showroom floor of the Bentley living room.

And it was not one of those gifts that lost its luster. Actually it did lose its literal luster as I pedaled it around the carport, and then around the house in the next year or two. My friend Henry and I added an old torn up microphone from the radio station for critical communication needs. A modified cardboard box provided the perfect removable top for inclement weather.

Santa Claus really knew what he was doing when he got me that jeep. It was a perfect fit.

But, as it turned out, Santa Claus knew me intimately. And because of that knowledge, he could choose the perfect gift.

Good luck in your shopping. My wish for you is that you know someone's heart well enough to find that perfect blue pedal propelled jeep with naval insignia. They'll remember it forever.

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