Monday, April 16, 2012

Legislative update . . .

I took a little time this evening to check on what the Alabama legislature is up to.  After last year's Beason Hammon Alabama Taxpayer and Citizen Protection Act, which passed with little public outcry that came far too late,  it just seems like a prudent thing to do.

HB 658 is the proposed "re-write" of last years immigration law.  There have been a few changes, most having to do with contractors and business transactions.  In response to the concerns of those people interested in assisting, in ministry or morality, illegal immigrants, there are no real changes.

Except, in last year's bill you had to assist ten illegal aliens before being charged with a felony.

In a show of compassion and compromise,  HB 658 allows the good Samaritan to achieve felony status by assisting only five. And I was afraid that the legislature wouldn't listen to the voices of concern.

Cuts to medicaid are threatening the health of our poor and elderly. Schools are suffering from lack of funds. Roads are in disrepair. Long lines for driver's exams and vehicle tags are common. Saving money by delaying unemployment compensation for a week.  I imagine Governor Bentley wonders why he moved from the Promised Land to a place with so little promise.

We are out of money.  And we refuse to raise taxes.  The seemingly endless (actually only a thousand or two) list of bills and commendations of good people and sports teams don't hold any promise for addressing the immediate woes of our state. (except for one tax bill which has no chance of passing, and even if it did, it would fail in a state wide vote as we the people choose fiscal euthanasia).

As I was scrolling through the bills before the legislature, looking for something interesting, I found another one that has no chance of passing, but if it did, would immediately save the State millions of dollars each year. It would cost nothing to implement except for the ink from the Governor's pen.

Abolish the death penalty.

I hate it when spiritual and moral issues come down to such base considerations, but, if it works, I'll take it.

SB 392.  It will save us millions of dollars.

And perhaps a little of our souls.



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