Thursday, April 26, 2012

Thurvey 4/26/2012

Thurvey.   What are you thinking this Thursday?  The Thurvey questions allow plenty of room for you to give an answer which has nothing to do with the question, a prevalent quality during this political year.  To answer or skillfully evade answering one or all of the questions, simply enter your answers in the comment box below, include your name or pseudonym if you want to be known or mysterious, click on the "comment as" drop down menu, choose "anonymous", and click "publish."  If the comment box does not appear below this post, click on the little "comments" word below this post and the box should appear.  If it doesn't, blame whatever governmental agency you wish if it makes you feel better.

#1  Summer vacation time is almost here.  When I was young, my family went to Panama City Beach every year.  I developed a deep and abiding love for the beauty of the natural surroundings .  .  . and tacky souvenir shops.  Depending on your mood, describe your favorite memory, or anticipation, of the natural wonder of the beach (or the mountains, whatever your favorite destination) or your favorite tacky merchandise or attraction that is always on the way or close by.

#2  It has become popular, almost trite at this point, for news pundits to claim that someone is waging war on something.  You've heard it.  War on Women.  War on freedom.  War on capitalism. I don't think this is very helpful due to a lack of specificity.  I, for instance, would like to declare a War on Cereal Box Bags that are Impossible to Open Without Exploding Them and Scattering Cereal Across the Kitchen.  What specific thing would you like to wage a war upon?  (stupid Thurvey questions is not an appropriate response)

#3   The State of Alabama  continues to suffer from the same problems that it has for decades, yet nothing seems to change.  Those of us who live here know that we have wonderful resources, including our citizens. In fact, from a natural resource and environment perspective, Alabama should be a leader economically and in quality of life, and yet we can't seem to make improvements.  What is holding Alabama back?  Who controls the politics of Alabama?  What progress would you like to see for Alabama?  What problems do you believe are most pressing?  What are Alabama's strengths?

#4   There are riots in the streets of London this morning as a result of the "austerity budget" that has been in place for a couple of years, which made dramatic cuts in government spending in an effort to address Great Britain's economic woes.  Is there a lesson in this experience for the U. S.?

#5  What question do you want answered this week?



  1. 1. I liked the plastic skinny bird that would constantly dip it beak into a little bowl of water for no reason. Seemed pretty great then. Not sure why now.

    2. War on prescription medicine commercials

    3. Tax reform

    4. Of course, but maybe we just have to learn for ourselves. Maybe it'll be different for us.

  2. 1. Sexy cartoon postcards and sunsets on the beach.

    2. War on War

    3. Needs to be Georgia.

    4. We learned the Brits will riot if pushed far enough.

  3. My family went to the Smokies. I loved stopping and wading in the mountain streams. And the authentic Native American souvenirs made in Japan.

    War on reality TV.

    More football.

    Don't know much about that.

  4. The beach. Coconut heads. War on convenience store cappucinos and knock off cd's.

  5. Saw Briars have no aroma. They wage a war of their own in areas that need to be tended to and cultivated. Yet. Why go in there with a swing blade * that is, unless the little nesting bluebirds are in danger of being eaten by the snake in the nearby honey suckle patch.
    There is always a method to cut through saw briers.
    I could go on and on yet the little birdy told me to work on the indoor plants and at all cost avoid the enevitable electical fire.


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