Thursday, April 12, 2012

Thurvey 4/12/2012

Thursday survey.  Thurvey.  Time for you to express your opinion on the Thurvey questions of the week.  The world yearns for your opinions on the crushing issues of the day . . . but why don't you answer these questions first as a warm-up.  To respond to the Thurvey, simply type your comment in the comment box below, click on the drop down menu below the box and click on "anonymous", and then click on "publish."  Include your name with your response if you do not wish to be anonymous.  If no box appears below then click on the tiny  "comments" word below this post and the box should appear.  

#1    Vacation time is closing in upon us.  For many, a book or two, a movie or TV series, and a soundtrack of favorite tunes are necessary equipment for a successful rest.  Share your "must pack" list of such diversions with those of us who may not have been paying attention lately.

#2   The State of Alabama government is under ten percent budget proration.  Obviously, the State needs to cut some programs, or raise more money.  It is also obvious that the legislature will not raise taxes, so what other options for revenue would be successful in Alabama?   This is not a serious question, unless you have a really good serious idea.  Otherwise, I would be  looking more for ideas like fruitcake sales.  I chose fruitcake sales because I didn't want to take any of the ideas some of you might want to use that are more closely tied to Alabama culture.  Be creative.  Alabama needs you.  All ideas will be immediately reviewed by Robert Bentley.

#3    Who did you want Mitt Romney to select for his Vice-President running mate?  Why?   And if VP Biden decided to sit this election out, who would you like to see President Obama choose to replace him on the ticket?

#4  What question do you want answered this week? (Your opportunity to free-lance)


  1. 1. I know I'm a follower for saying this, but the Hunger Games trilogy is a fantastic read. Baa.
    2. Put a motor on the boll weevil statue in Enterprise (I think?) and charge a small fee to ride it.
    3. My only requirement for a vp candidate is that they provide good fodder for SNL impressions.
    4. What is the meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything?

  2. 2) I think a taco tax would be a lovely idea. Kill two Mexican birds with one stone (for specificity's sake, we will say a Bearded Wood Partridge)... raise some revenue from Mexicans (and Mexican lovers), while making Alabama feel a little more gringoesque.

  3. 1) Take along the new Bonnie Raitt album, if only because it sounds so much like the old Bonnie Raitt albums. Also the debut by Alabama Shakes. (Support the Year of Alabama Music.)

    2) Since we already have hefty taxes on things we need to survive, like beer, wine, smokes and gasoline, let's go ahead and add barbecue sauce to the revenue stream.

    3) Oh, please please please please let it be Herman Cain. And if we can't have Biden, let us have Barney Frank.

    4) Where will they ever find a jury to try George Zimmerman?


  4. 1. It's a vacation. I don't work that hard getting ready.

    2. Fairly simple. Throw up toll booths on all interstate exits after motorists enter the state, and then on the interstate itself at the state line on the outbound lanes. Alabama residents get a free pass. The more miserable we let things get, the more willing travelers will be to pay their way out . . .

    3. Roy Moore.

    4. Why can't the North Koreans build a rocket that works? After centuries of fireworks seems like it would be a piece of cake compared to nuclear technology.


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