Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Bad Judgment . . .

I was watching television the other day when I heard the familiar strains of Amazing Grace. You know, the hymn that was written by Newton, the captain of a slave ship, after he was forever changed by an encounter with Jesus Christ. The hymn that continues to be changed and modified to reach new worshippers as it creates a setting in which they can be changed by the grace of God.

The song drew my attention to the program. It was not a program, it was a political advertisement for a candidate for an Alabama appellate judgeship. Go to http://www.judgedeborahbell.com/ to see the web version of the spot.

The television version is longer. As the vocalists are singing, "He will my shield and solace be, as long as life endures" we see the candidate strap on a bullet proof vest and begin to fire a handgun at a target. The song fades, she looks at the camera and says, "I've still got it."

I am a lawyer who represents citizens accused by the Stateof Alabama of breaking the law. Sometimes the State is wrong in making the accusation, or is wrong in the way it prosecutes a citizen in violation of his or her rights. Obviously the thought of Judge Roy Bean on the appellate bench is terrifying.

I am also someone who relies daily on the grace of a loving God. It has never involved the use of a handgun. If this is her picture of grace, I just feel sorry for her.

I don't know whether Ms. Bell Paseur believes the message of the TV ad or whether it was simply a political ploy. Both options are horrible.

My immediate reaction was that I will not vote for her and I will attempt to influence others the same way.

But, God's grace is amazing. I'll give it a little time.


  1. Cheryl and I were sitting there watching tv and I saw the spot you are referring too. Talk about pulling on heart strings! Here is this woman who shows how incredibly Christian she is by parading the grace God has given her and then the whole commercial is about how tough a judge she is and basically she offers no grace.

    yeah, its ironic and...well, bad judgment. :)

    Thanks for reminding me of her name

  2. The spot also says she is the only Supreme Court Judge Candidate to send criminals to jails...what! All the candidates were previously judges, right? That really doesn't make sense to me. Do they get judges from divorce court or something. At least they would have had to hold someone in contempt? Although, I am naive to the judicial system. But, can people just say random things?


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