Monday, September 15, 2008

But I gave you a twenty . . .

Stuff that is true:

John McCain has been a Republican Senator for 22 years.

John McCain has voted with George Bush eighty five to ninety percent of the time in the last eight years, but closer to 95 percent of the time in the past three years.

John McCain's major disagreement with Bush was the Bush tax cuts. He was against them four years ago. But last year McCain, perhaps exercising some of that change he is bringing, reversed his position, and adopted Bush's tax cuts, and proposed additional cuts for the needy top 1.5 percent of the taxpayers.

John McCain chose Republican Phil Gramm as a co-chairman and adviser to his campaign.Phil Gramm is a former Senator. He is presently an executive and lobbyist for a Swiss bank. He authored deregulatory legislation which was a primary cause of the sub-prime mortgage meltdown which was the first domino in our present financial nightmare. Gramm produced the enabling law that allowed the Enron debacle. Enron contributed mightily to Gramm's campaigns. Last summer he said the U. S. economy was fine. "Americans are just whiners. They are in a mental recession" He is thought to be a leading candidate for Treasury secretary in a McCain administration.

John McCain hired Karl Rove as an advisor to his campaign. The same Karl Rove who wrote the script for the Bush/Cheney puppet show from the time it started until he went on the lam after a near miss indictment in the Valerie Plane case. Karl Rove was in charge of Bush's effort to privatize social security. Rove is often named as the king of modern dirty politics. He has often been called George Bush's brain.

John McCain has always been a proponent of the Bush war in Iraq. He believes that victory in Iraq has yet to be obtained, but that victory must be achieved, no matter how long it takes, nor how much it costs. He cannot define victory.

John McCain believes that giving oil companies new places to drill oil is a significant part of the solution to our energy policy.Even the oil industry's own figures, which are four times as optimistic as government figures, indicate that opening up the additional oil fields would allow an increase in production that amounts to only 6.1 percent of our present consumption . . . by the year 2025. The government's figure is 1.5 percent. The oil companies say it would be at least three years before any oil at all was produced. The government says that six years is a more realistic time for the first trickle of production. This will be an even greater windfall for the oil companies than George Bush has been able to deliver.

John McCain has consistently voted against increasing aid to veterans.

John McCain believes that our economy is fundamentally strong, using the same language that has been used by George Bush. Even as late as this morning.

I'm getting tired. You may add to the list if you want by posting a comment, but, if it is not verifiable, it won't be published.

Not enough change to buy a newspaper. Shoot, a gumball.

So why don't we catch on that we're receiving incorrect change? More later.

1 comment :

  1. you are awesome. can I goad you a bit? What do you think Charlie Gibson would ask McCain if he could interview HIM?


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