Saturday, June 18, 2011

I'm sure there'll be Putin jokes . . .

Saturday. Sofa. Coffee.

I am about to head to Nashville to see my sons and daughter in law for a Saturday Father's Day visit. There are a few things to do before I go, like emptying the Prius of the trash that has accumulated during the week so that I can have room to pick up illegal immigrants and give them a ride.

See. That is the problem. Not with the world, but with me. This is Saturday and I desperately need to be funny, silly, not so serious. I need to get away from the heavy issues of our society and the files in the office, at least for Saturday. I need to guffaw, to laugh until my body spasms, beverages spew from my nostrils and bladder control is questionable. I need to quit being so serious for a little while. I am a funny guy, right? I can't hear you . . .

I was listening to the news this morning. Probably a bad idea for one who needs to escape, but it is too late. Just part of my Saturday routine. But I lucked out this time. There was a story about the upcoming Republican House Speaker John Boehner's golf date with President Obama. The reporter asked Boehner about it and the Congressman began to laugh and said he was really looking forward to spending time with the President. Then those around began to laugh at the thought of the two political adversaries enjoying time together. Continuing to laugh, Boehner, in a tickled yet sincere voice set them straight. "No, I'm serious, I'm really looking forward to it. We're getting to play golf."

The potential one-liners the match sets up are limitless. Obama always hooks to the left. The Budget isn't the only thing Boehner slices. For once Boehner will inflate Obama's numbers. And when one of them loses his ball . . .It's just too easy.

And Joe Biden is playing too. A big **** score. Let's pray for the nation's sake that there are microphones.

I hope they have a great day. I hope they guffaw as described above, at each other and at themselves, and I suspect they will. And I hope if that happens we get to see the pictures.

And I suggest that as a nation we join them in seeking the guffaw this weekend. I know I will as I head to Nashville. But I won't take it too seriously.

I have made Biblical references in discussing the serious matters of the past few weeks. So today will be no different.

We have plenty of things to cry about.
But as the wise King Solomon reminded us,

"There's a time to laugh, too."

Maybe today is the day.


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