Thursday, June 9, 2011

Thurvey 6/9/2011

It is once again time for the Thursday survey, or Thurvey, as it has become to be known among the masses. This is your opportunity to let your opinion be heard on the questions of the day. Simply click on "comment" below and answer any or all of the questions.

#1 Should the U.S. withdraw from Afghanistan quickly? Under what circumstances should the U. S. commit its military to another part of the world?

#2 What legislation passed by the Alabama legislature this session did you like or dislike the most? Why?

#3 What is your favorite way to handle the intense heat of this early summer? What would you do about it if money was no problem?

#4 What question do you have that you want an answer to?

1 comment :

  1. 1> Yes. And while we're at it, ease out of Yemen and Pakistan as well.

    The might of the US military should be committed to foreign soil only when war has been declared against it there. Mark that "should" pretty carefully. From the halls of Montezuma to the shores of Tripoli, a surprising number of our foreign war maneuvers have had squat to do with actual war...


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