Thursday, June 30, 2011

Thurvey 6/30/2011

It is Thurvey time. The Thursday survey. Your opportunity to tell the world what you think. Okay, it's really only a few hundred people regularly, except those poor souls who think they are finding Governor Bentley's website. And of course if you are one of them feel free to join in on the expression. Let the creative juices flow by answering one or all of the following in any way you wish by commenting in the box below and follow the instructions, or if there is no comment box below click on "comments" below and follow the instructions.

#1 In anticipation of Independence Day, what is your favorite constitutional right? Why?

#2 In anticipation of Independence Day, what are your favorite summertime foods?

#3 In anticipation of Independence Day, what is your favorite song that mentions "America" or "United States" or "U.S.A." or any other name for our country?

#4 What question in anticipation of Independence Day would you like to have answered?

Let freedom of expression ring.



  1. #1 Freedom of Speech...because I'd be in a heap of trouble with my big mouth without it!!

    #2 Anything cooked on the grill...and fresh veggies...especially tomatoes!

    #3 Two favorites...God Bless America and God Bless the U.S.A...both bring on the tears!

    #4 Will my grandchildren have the same freedoms when they are older that I have enjoyed all my life?

  2. #3 God Bless the U.S.A! I used to listen to the Lee Greenwood single on tape over and over again!

  3. #1 - I'm by no means some nut, but I'd have to say the right granted to every U.S. citizen by the Second Amendment because it is the only right that guarantees all the others.

    #2 - grilled meat and homemade ice cream

    #3 - "God Bless the USA" followed by "Courtesy of the Red, White, and Blue"

    #4 - Same as "anonymous" above, except I worry about my children's futures (I don't have grandchildren).

  4. #2: The BLT, which by rights should supplant hot dogs and hamburgers---foreign innovations---as the 4th of July staple, especially seeing as how 'maters are in peak season right around then.

    Smoked meat, venerated from America's beginnings, finds a flavor balance with the acidic tomato and the cool green lettuce upon the diplomatically neutral ground of fresh bread. . Those in need of asserting global sensibilities may want to apply mayonnaise, but that's up to them, really.


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