Wednesday, April 15, 2009


If you watched the news today, you must have seen coverage of the various tea parties across the country on this tax day, April 15th. As is often true in grass roots movements, the platform was not well defined. But all of them were not happy about paying taxes for things they weren't happy about.

Tomorrow is the meeting of the Alabama religious community on the steps of the State house at 11:00 to encourage the legislature to abolish sales taxes on groceries.

Most of the time when we complain about taxes, it is about our own liabilities. But tomorrow, we can encourage an oppressive, immoral tax to be lifted from the poor.

Just a reminder. If you can't be there, call your state legislator. Find his number at

1 comment :

  1. I have not known what to say about the tea party thing. This helps. Thanks.


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