Thursday, February 19, 2009

And the survey says . . .

From time to time I have put a survey over on the side of my post. But it really wasn't very satisfactory. The choices were just too limited and there wasn't anyway to expound on your answer.

So, if you will humor me, I would like for you, dear reader, to answer a survey every once in a while by making a comment. You do that by clicking on the "comment" link at the bottom of the post, wait for the "comment" window to open, type in your answer, and follow the instructions, which I think include typing in those swirly letters to prove you aren't some kind of machine, but maybe not. . If you want to be anonymous, just click on the dot that says "anonymous". If you don't want to be anonymous you can still click on anonymous and type your name at the end of the answer.

So for today's survey,

What is the most important thing?



  1. I like surveys. Most important thing? Family. But that might be because I am a little partial to mine! :)

  2. Love. Love of God, family, friends, etc...

  3. i have to say family as well. even though marriage can be trying at times, i wouldn't trade it for anything!!!

  4. Someone to grow old with, to share my joys and sorrows.

  5. Relationships. Very often family, but can be "family- by-choice" as well as friends. Janan

  6. Family and friends. Besides you have to have someone to share all of your joys and sorrows with along the way.

  7. TO LOVE AND BE LOVED.That sounds so simple but I think love includes so many things like forgiveness, compassion, tolerance,sharing(good and bad),
    Really the most important thing is GRANDCHILDREN. Peace and Love

  8. coffee. Coffee is the most important thing right now.

  9. Faith, family and that order.

  10. Food and clean drinking water are very important to me. In a more general sense I would say there is nothing that is very important.

  11. Love, Love, Love-all kinds.

  12. I think all of the comments are very good and I would like to include health. We all must take care of our mental and physical health and be sure that those we love are taking care of themselves also.

  13. being ourselves-- not what everyone else wants us to be, or even what we want to be for others. the freedom to be as we are, and enjoy our lives is very important. i think i'm going to try that now.

  14. Finding a balance between family and friends and what you need to be happy.

  15. to love the Lord my God with all my being, and to love my neighbor as my self.

  16. Right now for me, it's finding God's purpose for my life. Then everything else will follow after.

  17. Denial of Self. Maybe a better way of putting it is keeping yourself in check. The thing that hinders me from from loving enough or accepting grace is me. I want my comfort. It's hard to get past that.

    Secondly, I believe George Michael of Arrested Development answered this question ---"breakfast"

  18. I believe that Arrested Development is most important. Greatest show ever. And I love whoever put that. They are important to me.


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