Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Can we talk?

I just chatted with my little sister. She is forty-ish now, but that birth order thing is forever. So in some ways she will always be my "little" sister.

I ran right into a writer's block tonight. I was telling Emily the reason for that, which included a bit of a sad situation. Emily is quite a writer herself, and she told me I should try to write anyway.

But nothing comes to mind to write. I don't feel like writing, I feel like conversing.

I think we were created to converse. In fact I believe we were created by conversation. According to the wonderful creation story in Genesis, God "spoke" creation into being. Our inception was a conversation with God and the palette of His creation.

The rest of the story, no matter where you get it, is a story of conversation. Pairs, couples, families, tribes, peoples, nations, all in conversation as the path of civilization was cleared.

No doubt great thoughts were thought and creations were created by individuals in isolation. But until they were communicated, until they were the subject of conversation, they did not matter much.

Life is full of wonderful things, like beautiful worship services and emerald green rivers and setting suns and basketball. It is also full of serious things like relationships, finances, politics, poverty, injustice, work and religion. All are great to write about.

But none of it matters much until there is a conversation.

I won't have a conversation tonight. But I have written, at least a little bit.

Maybe you can use it as a conversation starter. That would be nice.


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