Saturday, February 21, 2009


I appreciate the responses to the survey a couple of posts back. That's probably worth doing once a week or so. You can go back and respond to it if you haven't, or again if you have.

Most of you thought the most important thing was relationship. Family, friends, God.

Saying that relationships are important is like saying oxygen is important.

I am a believer. I believe that God created everything and is omnipresent. I believe we are all in some kind of relationship with Him whether we want to be or not, whether we believe in Him or not.

But I know not everyone believes like I do regarding spiritual matters. So we'll put that aside for the moment.

Unless you are on a deserted island, you have relationships. And even then, you'd probably have to be comatose not to be in relationship.

Consciousness, or self-awareness, creates relationship, with yourself if with no one else.

That's just psychobabble, you may be saying. But to whom are you speaking?

I talk to myself. And I answer back. Occasionally out loud. But almost constantly in my thoughts. Maybe I'm crazy. Maybe I'm alone too much these days. Maybe none of the rest of you do that. But I'm betting you do. When you are alone and there is a full box of fresh Krispy Kreme's on the counter to take to a meeting and you really want one or two, but you know you shouldn't, but what harm could it do, but you'd have to run 800 miles to burn those calories cause you know you can't just eat one or two, who is that conversation with? When you can't find the car keys and no one else is home and you retrace your steps, thinking, when I came in I had to go to the bathroom bad and then the phone rang . . . who are you asking? When you have a pain in your sawdust and you know you should go to the doctor but your afraid cause it seems people that go to the doctor end up being sick so you talk yourself out of making an appointment, who was the argument with? When you've written a stupid mean email and the cursor is poised over the send button and your thumb is waiting for instruction, who offers the opposing positions?

So even alone we are in a relationship. Maybe the most important one. The relationship with self.

And that is important. Because that relationship affects all the rest.

And the rest are significant. Family, friends, lovers, enemies, God, environment, the world.

You're right. It is important.


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